Downtown Greenway @ T.J. Jemison and East Blvd Underway
The Downtown Greenway continues to be implemented along T.J. Jemsion Blvd./East Blvd., transforming it into a transportation corridor for pedestrians and bicyclists with designated paths, upgraded lighting, and shade trees. This portion of the Downtown Greenway: Phase Two will connect the completed portions on North Boulevard and Expressway Park. It is part of an overall 2.75 mile interconnected network of bike/pedestrian pathways connecting Baton Rouge's public parks and recreational facilities, inner city communities, and cultural attractions through the use of greenways, or linear parks.
The Downtown Development District is the lead agency responsible for administering the Downtown Greenway project, in partnership with the East Baton Rouge City-Parish, BREC, and the Capitol Area Finance Authority. More information including a map and images are in the links below.