Downtown Breakdown: What’s up with the Capitol Lakes?
Downtown is home to many cultural and historical assets within Baton Rouge, as it is where we began as a city and where the people of our parish continue to come together to live, work, and/or play. Previously, we highlighted the great Mississippi Riverfront… but it is not the only water asset with the boundaries of the DDD.
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Baton Rouge is the Capitol City of Louisiana, and Downtown hosts the new and previous State Capitol Buildings and Governors Mansions, Capitol Gardens, Veteran’s Memorial Park, State Office Buildings, Pentagon Barracks, and the Capitol Lakes. The Capitol Lakes have long been a downtown asset where citizens enjoy walking/biking, taking family photographs, and viewing the wildlife. Unfortunately, the Capitol lakes have been heavily polluted over time, preventing people from fishing and other water related activities. In the fall of 2023, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) officially added the Capitol lakes to its Superfund National Priorities List, prioritizing funding for clean-up. Yes, the polluted part is a bummer, but being on the EPA list is great news! Remediation and improvement is on the way!
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Downtown Stakeholders, including the nearby Historic Spanish Town neighborhood, have been engaged with EPA representatives in the study and selection of a cleanup method for the site. These types of studies and cleanup efforts can take years to accomplish, but we should start to consider what is possible beyond just the clean-up… How can we make the Lakes a better and more attractive resource to our citizens beyond just the clean-up activities?
This latest spotlight on the Capitol Lakes intrigued DDD Intern and recent LSU Robert Reich School of Landscape Architecture graduate Ethan Bergeron. Ethan took the opportunity to explore the possibilities as part of his fifth-year capstone project where he explored the history, received feedback from locals, and envisioned a new life for the Lakes. Check out his final presentation video link below and join us as we follow the progress of the EPA project. The DDD would like to thank Ethan for his work on the Capitol Lakes and Riverfront projects, as well as the years of help he has provided this office as an intern. Congratulations on your graduation and best of luck in your future endeavors Ethan!
Capitol Lakes Presentation: click here
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