The neighborhood is a designated National Historic District founded in 1806 by retired military officer and New Orleans mercantile businessman Elias Toutant Beauregard. Captain Beauregard had extensive land holdings in Baton Rouge, and envisioned a town laid out in the grand manner of European cities with plazas, formal gardens and public buildings. A plan drawn by French engineer and surveyor Arsene LaCarriere La Tour featured public squares, plazas and pleasure gardens; a convent, hospital, college, a coliseum, cemetery and a cathedral.
Although Captain Beauregard’s grand scheme for a European-style town didn’t fully materialize, his vision endures in the charm of the tree-lined streets and architecturally significant homes and offices throughout the historic neighborhood.
For more information or to become a member please email the Beauregard Town Civic Association @ beauregardtowncivicassociation@gmail.com
The BTCA Board meets on the second Tuesday of each month at 6:30 PM. Below are the dates for 2024:
- 7/9 at 6:30 PM, location TBD
- 8/13 at 6:30 PM, location TBD
- 9/10 at 6:30 PM, location TBD
- 10/8 at 6:30 PM, location TBD
- 11/12 at 6:30 PM, location TBD
- 12/10 at 6:30 PM, location TBD