Downtown Breakdown: Riverfront Study and Open House
The Mississippi Riverfront – our city’s greatest asset. 'As we plan what improvements may be made to the River Center, we must plan how it could better connect to the riverfront in order to truly transform our city’s center and make it a major attraction that contributes to our region’s overall economic vitality.'
The river influenced the location of Baton Rouge, starting development in the heart of what is now downtown. We have a strong connection to our riverfront, and many amenities abutting it, but there is plenty of opportunity to enhance the riverfront experience of our citizens and visitors.

The DDD’s work is guided by our master plans, and several plans have made recommendations to enhance and better connect to our riverfront. We have made progress – we have several access points downtown to the 13.1 mile levee trail, the Rotary’s Sing the River sculpture, multi-use paths along River Road, and several cultural attractions. The recommendations from the plans that have been implemented have catalyzed developments along our riverfront including the Water Campus, IBM, major casino renovations, and more. Yes, we have made progress – but there is opportunity for more.
Rotary Centennial Sculpture 'Sing the River'

IBM & 525 Lafayette

When we think about what our riverfront could be and endeavor to plan its future, we must consider our past plans, what’s been implemented, what we have learned, and what opportunities the current landscape around us offers us. The DDD took the experience we have gained, and engaged the LSU Robert Reich School of Landscape Architecture to study what the riverfront’s, from the Water Campus to River Park, future could be. We thank the LSU class for taking that first fresh look with us.

LSU Landscape Architecture Student Complete Riverfront Study
LSU Landscape Architecture Student Group Study
Open House - On May 14, 2024, the Mayor-President and the DDD hosted an open house event highlighting the work of the LSU Robert Reich School of Landscape Architecture fourth year students. The students highlighted their ideas on how to provide visitor and citizens more quality of life experiences and increase tourism to the region. The DDD also provided examples of how other cities have enhanced their waterfront, in addition to cities that have improved their convention centers. As we plan what improvements may be made to the River Center, we must plan how it could better connect to the riverfront in order to truly transform our city’s center and make it a major attraction that contributes to our region’s overall economic vitality.
May 14th Open House Images

We want your input - The event sparked great conversation about what could be next for our downtown riverfront and we hope to see these conversations lead to a greater planning initiative. To enhance that discussion and provide greater opportunity for public input on how we can enhance our downtown riverfront, we ask that you complete the riverfront survey. We will use the input you provide in crafting and advocating for the riverfront’s next great attraction.