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This page is a resource to City and State Government commissions, boards, and committees.

The DDD was established through state legislation and is connected to the East Baton Rouge City-Parish through that legislation and local ordinance. The connection to both the state and local government accentuates our role and ability to act as a liaison between government entities and downtown stakeholders. We navigate the complexities of regulatory requirements, advocate for policies that benefit the downtown area, and inform stakeholders about downtown items discussed/voted on at public meetings. This page was created as our stakeholders’ go to source to find governmental resources and public information that impacts them.

2024 Downtown Highlights:

Please note the following list provides highlighted items, but is not inclusive of every item on a public meeting agenda. Click here to Sign up to be notified of council/committee agendas

12/18 Metropolitan Council Special Meeting - Item #24-01714 Authorizing the Mayor-President to amend the award and execute a subrecipient agreement between the City of Baton Rouge, Parish of East Baton Rouge, and the Louisiana Housing Corporation to support the State National Life Workforce Housing Development in Downtown Baton Rouge by $2M in ERAP Housing and CDBG DR Funds, and authorizes the execution of all related documents. The total award under
the agreement would now be up to $6,360,000. Approved

12/11 Metropolitan Council Meeting - Item #24-01581 Authorizing the Mayor-President, on behalf of the River Center, to execute a professional service agreement with Total BS, Inc., to advise on the production of the River Center Redevelopment Request for Proposals (RFP), RFP selection process, and selection criteria. The term of the agreement is six (6) months in an amount not to exceed $60,000.00. Approved

12/11 Metropolitan Council Meeting - Item #24-01540 Adopting the following ad valorem tax millage rates within the boundaries of the following taxing jurisdictions on all taxable property (except that the millage rate for the downtown development district shall be levied on real property only) to be levied during the year 2025. Downtown Development District 9.5 (Roll back). Approved

12/11 Metropolitan Council Meeting - Item #24-01391 Receiving the Preliminary Current Expense Budget and Capital Budget for the City of Baton Rouge and Parish of East Baton Rouge for the year 2025. (DDD Budget Included) Approved.

11/13 Metropolitan Council Meeting - Item #24-01409 Amending the Annual Operating Budget so as to reallocate $2,554,748.15 from the proceeds from the Local Fiscal Recovery Funds through the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) to provide funding in the amount of $45,930 for downtown signage (Request for Budget Supplement 9085). Approved.

11/13 Metropolitan Council Meeting - Item #24-01460 Concurring in the Mayor-President’s replacement of Tara Titone who has resigned. Current Ballot Suzanne Turner. This term will expire on September 12, 2026. (Resident of Beauregard Town) Approved.

9/25 Metropolitan Council Meeting - Item #24-01261 The Mayor-President is hereby authorized to renew the Raising Cane’s River Center Rental Waiver Agreement with Visit Baton Rouge and ASM Global for the period January 1, 2025 through December 31, 2028. Approved

9/18 Metropolitan Council Meeting - Item #24-00979 Adopting DDD ad valorem tax millage rates to adjust 2024 collection downward as compared to 2023. - Approved

8/28 Metropolitan Council Meeting - Item #104 24-00985. An ordinance to create the River Center Economic Development District. - Approved

8/14 Metropolitan Council Meeting - Item #24-00976 Appointing Iboro Udoh to the Complete Streets Citizens Advisory Committee as the DDD representative. - Approved

7/24 Metropolitan Council Meeting - Item #24-00736 Considering the appeal of the Historic Preservation Commission's denial to demolish the Maritime 2 building. - Deleted

6/26 Metropolitan Council Meeting - Item # 24-00728 Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute a contract for professional legal services with Fishman Haygood, LLP in connection with the River Center Strategic Plan in an amount not to exceed $150,000, billed at a rate not to exceed $425 per hour, and appropriating $150,000 from General Fund - Fund Balance Unassigned for such purpose (Budget Supplement 9045). - Approved

3/13 Metropolitan Council Meeting - Item #24-00227 An ordinance restricting certain uses of City-Parish buildings including the Raising Cane's River Center and developing strategies for expanded convention space and hotel - Approved

Frequently Used Resources:

Report a maintenance issue: 311

Report a crime: 225-389-2000 or

  • For emergencies, always 911

Report a fire: 911

Homelessness Resources

Dig Safely - Before you dig call 811

Host a downtown public event

East Baton Rouge City-Parish Government:

EBR Official Website - Main Page

Mayor's Office

Metropolitan Council:

Planning Commission:

Historic Preservation Commission:

Complete Streets Advisory Committee:

Department of Development:

Check a building permit - My Permit Now

Traffic Engineering:

Street closure permits

Spanish Town parking permits

Notify Me:

Sign up to be notified of council/committee agendas

State of Louisiana:

State of Louisiana Official Website - Main Page

Office of the Governor

Secretary of the State:

Louisiana Economic Development:

Culture Recreation and Tourism: