1. Virtual Queue Line: We are replacing our regular line with a virtual one. When guests arrive, they will scan a QR code that will assign them a number. They will then receive notifications that will tell them when to get into the line. The real line will only be a few minutes long instead of several hours and will have less than 50 in the line spaced 6’ apart per group. This will allow guests to visit Carnevil or go to any of the many restaurants or bars nearby or, if they prefer, they can even stay in their cars until it is time for them to get in line.
2. Masks: All customers will be required to wear a nose and mouth covering (if mandated by state or local laws). No one will be allowed to enter without a face covering.
3. Temperature Checks: All customers, before entering the haunt, will have their temperatures checked. Anyone with a temperature of 100.4 degrees F or greater will not be permitted to enter the haunted house.
4. Maintain Distancing Guidelines for Groups: The small line into the haunt will have 6’ markings on the ground and signage indicating 6’ distances between groups. Safety staff, audio broadcasts, and printed signage will remind groups to remain distanced between them and others that are not part of their household. Digital signage will rotate every 45-60 seconds in our projections/slideshows for all customers to see.
5. Disclaimers and Warnings: Printed signs will be posted at the box office and at the entrance warning customers to not enter if they are experiencing flu-like or COVID-like symptoms or are feeling ill.
6. Inside the Building: Indoor queueing has been eliminated. The only areas will be the ticket scanning queue lines which have been completely redesigned to allow for groups to be at least 6’ apart during the ticket scanning process.
7. Capacity: Capacity can be reduced/managed to allow for appropriate social distancing.
8. Entering the Haunt: Guests will enter the haunt with only their immediate group (no strangers) and be reminded to stay at least 6’ away from any groups that they may encounter within the haunt. Customers will be timed to allow adequate distances between groups. Staff will be posted inside the attraction as well, to ensure customers are in compliance with distancing measures.
9. Increased Cleaning of All Surfaces (handrails, doors, restrooms, etc.): Additional staff will be hired for dedicated sanitation duties. To include minimums of every 45-minute cleaning rotations of all handrails, doorknobs, etc. and every 30 minutes for all restrooms using a 1000ppm sanitation solution. Additionally, other staff will be periodically cleaning their specific areas/rooms inside and outside of the attraction.
10. Hand Sanitizing Stations: Hand pump sanitizing stations will be available at the property entrance, queue space, exit of the attraction. Customers will be asked to sanitize their hands before entering the building.
11. Ticketing: Online ticket sales and purchases will be strongly encouraged over on-site cash/card. Our Skip-The-Line VIP ticket does not have a virtual queue line. If you have a Skip-The-Line VIP ticket, you will go straight into the haunt. No waiting!