Always Patsy Cline - 7:30
Always ...Patsy Cline is based on the true story of Patsy Cline's friendship with
Houston housewife Louise Seger.
Having first heard Cline on the "Arthur Godfrey Show" in 1957, Seger became an immediate and
avid fan of Cline's and she constantly hounded the local disc jockey to play Cline's records on the
The play focuses on the fateful evening at Houston's Esquire Ballroom when Seger hears of
Cline's death in a plane crash. Seger supplies a narrative while Cline floats in and out of the set
singing tunes that made her famous--Anytime, Walkin' After Midnight, She's Got You, Sweet
Dreams, and Crazy--to name a few.
The show combines humor, sadness, and reality. It offers fans who remember Cline while she
was alive a chance to look back, while giving new fans an idea of what seeing her was like and
what she meant to her original fans.