Fifteen years ago, Go Red For Women was born as a campaign to raise awareness among women about their great health threat – heart disease. Slowly, the campaign grew into a movement – one that not only brought together thousands of women annually but became the trusted, passionate, relevant force for change to eradicate heart disease and stroke all over the world.
The Go Red for Women luncheon continues to serve as the cornerstone event of the Go Red For Women movement. This empowering event focuses on preventing heart disease and stroke by promoting healthy lifestyles, building awareness and raising critically-needed funds to support research and education initiatives. Cardiovascular diseases, which include stroke, claim the life of a woman about every 80 seconds. We hope you will join us on our mission because about 80 percent of cardiovascular diseases may be prevented.
The time is now. Women are leaning into the idea that when we take a stand, commit, and work together, real change is possible.
Here in Baton Rouge, Go Red for Women encourages women to prioritize and take charge of their heart health and advocates for building communities that support and provide access to healthy choices; demanding equal access to healthcare for all women and their families; and increasing women engaged in STEM (science, technology, engineering, math) in upcoming generations.
The luncheon, chaired by Stephanie Anderson and emceed by Sylvia Witherspoon of WBRZ-TV, will feature keynote speakers, inspiring survivor stories, a fashion show, silent auction, Hemline for Hearts red dress build, Strokes for Stroke art display and more. For more information about #BRGoRed and how you can get involved, please contact Stephanie Hughson at stephanie.hughson@heart.org or visit BatonRougeGoRed.Heart.org.
Thank you to our 2020 event Chair, Stephanie Hebert Anderson
The Capital Area Go Red for Women Luncheon is sponsored nationally by CVS Health and locally by Cause Sponsors, John G. Turner and Jerry G. Fischer, and additional sponsors with Price LeBlanc Lexus, Ochsner Baton Rouge and Woman's Hospital
10:00 AM - 11:30 AM Health activities/Personality silent auction
11:30 AM - 1:00 PM Luncheon & Fashion Strut