Free First Sundays at the LASM are back, sponsored by Madison Lamar! The First Sunday of every month (through September 2022 for now) will be free admission for all from 1-5, for the first time including all Planetarium shows!
This particular First Free Sunday marks the 20th Anniversary of the groundbreaking of the Irene W. Pennington Planetarium, Louisiana's largest Planetarium!
This weekend LASM will kick off a month-long celebration honoring the 20th anniversary of the groundbreaking for the Irene W. Pennington Planetarium. Join us on Sunday, October 3rd to learn about the "starball" which once projected 8,900 stars on the dome of the Exxon Mobile Space Theater. While you are here you can also pose for a family photo, snag a few space-themed goodies, and chat with a NASA Solar System Ambassador. Special films will be shown in the Planetarium this Sunday and all month long! Join us as we celebrate 20 years, just think where we will be in the next 20!