Mid City Live! is a comedy variety show performed by Baton Rouge comedians and musicians. The show features original skits, standup comedy, and music. The show has played to sold-out audiences at the Boomerang Comedy Theater, as well as a large audience at Library Riot in Lake Charles.
In 2024, Mid City Live! will perform at Cite’ des Arts in Lafayette as well as the Baton Rouge Comedy & Improv Festival.
The January 19th show’s cast of comedians is Jest Kinni, Mike Honore, Mighty, Crazy Ree, Leah Orth, J. Smith, Jay Thibodeaux, and Dwayne Tousand. The show is produced and hosted by Gloria McConnell, with musical guest, the Mid-City Prowlers.
Jest Kinni
Born in the 80s in Baton Rouge, and raised in Slaughter, Louisiana in the ‘90s, Jest Kinni delivers a unique perspective combining the best of both words. Unapologetic in his delivery, Jest Kinni's "in your face" approach tackles a variety of topics from dating dos and don’ts to social stigmas and politics. His perspective provides a new and hilarious outlook on life in general.
Mighty King
Marielle “Mighty” King actress, comedian, writer, public speaker, and model. Mighty began her comedic career In December 2021 at The Silly Rabbit Comedy Club. She has since then performed at multiple comedy venues in the south, including Boomerang Comedy Theatre. Mighty King has opened up for acts such as Crystal Powell, and Ashima Franklin who are both HBO comedians, and Damian Williams. In 2021 she picked up the title as “The Funniest Comedian” at The Boomerang Comedy Theater. Mighty King is represented by Gravity Hill agency and is in the process of developing her film career here in Louisiana. Mighty King is a captivating, raw, energetic, multi-talented, and one-of-a-kind entertainer.