Varla Jean Merman is a character originated and portrayed by Jeffery Roberson, an American actor, singer, and drag performer. Varla's fictitious pedigree boasts that Ernest Borgnine is her father and Ethel Merman is her mother. Merman is perhaps best known for her role in the 2003 independent film Girls Will Be Girls.
Jeffery Roberson starred in the new musical Lucky Guy opposite Leslie Jordan in NY at the Little Schubert. He guest starred as Varla Jean on Ugly Betty in the final season of the show and was also featured on Bravo’s Project Runway Season 5 as the winning model for the show’s drag challenge. He played the role of Mary Sunshine in the revival of Chicago on Broadway and also made his network television debut on All My Children in the recurring role of lady of the evening Rosemary Chicken.